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    JW Hol-ee Roller, Assorted, Dog Toy

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    Product description

    The JW® Hol-ee Roller® is a fun, versatile puzzle dog toy that lets dogs play in multiple ways! Made from durable soft, stretchy natural rubber, the Hol-ee Roller features a unique open design that makes it easy to stuff a dog's favorite treats, kibble, other small toys, ice cubes, or whatever else you can think of to create mentally challenging puzzle experience for dogs. As a dog works to remove treats of different shapes and sizes from the Hol-ee Roller they develop problem-solving skills and increase their mental abilities. Natural rubber is gentle on a dog's gums as they chew and teethe. Available in a variety of sizes, the Hol-ee Roller can be used as a training aid or for fetch, toss, tugging, chew toy and puzzle treat time. A versatile toy for dogs of different ages and breeds. Ships in assorted colors.
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    JW Hol-ee Roller, Assorted, Dog Toy


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